Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Today when I went to school I went into the classroom and saw our form teacher Mr.Muzzaffar as usually he wouldn't come up to the class in the morning. I went right away to my seat to sit, after I sat down I took out my Preston as we had to pass it up by the end of August and I still had a long way to go before completing it.

Finally it was the next period math and science our teacher didn't come to school, we didn't know what had happened to her. Mr.Wee came up as her relief teacher our teacher told him to let us continue do our English work.

YAY its our recess but than we remembered that our teacher told everybody to stay in the class and wait for him to come up. He told all of the girls and some of the boys to go to recess and the rest to leave in the class. When it was time for English our teacher handed out back our class test. I looked at it with relieved as i had passed the test. Mr.Muzzaffar then explained the question to us and what does some of the word meant.

As it was time for mother tongue me, Joel, Marcus and Leon went to down to take the books, but when we were coming down Marcus slept on the stairs and fell down. He cried and at the same time pointing out to his hand as it was starting to bleed. When we went up we told our mother tongue teacher what had happened and told Marcus to go to the Sick Bay. We were worried sick about him but he came back with a smile on his face. When it was ending soon Daryl open the door and pushed Joe into the class. Joe got punished but the teacher as our lesson had not finished but he already came in.

Finally, it is the final morning lesson Mr.Muzzaffar came back and continued telling us the answer. He was explaining it to us when he remembered something from his child time. As he kept saying more and more of us started to laugh as it was to hilarious.

And That Was What Happened On the 4th Of August THE END